"As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace." - 1Peter 4:10


In an effort to promote the prayerful spirit of service, Vandebilt Catholic requires each student in grades 9-12th to complete a total of 20 service hours and 15 hours for 8th graders each school year. The total hours must represent each of the following categories:

● Service Day - a service day sponsored by Vandebilt Catholic - work together with a charity organization with the Religion Dept, club, team, etc. (ex. Treats at the Track, Soup Bowl, Team/Club Service Days/Projects)

● VCH - work days for VCH to facilitate ownership and pride in our school - max of 10 hours (ex. kiddie camps, Terrier Club events, alumni events, Mothers’ Club, clean-up/set-up, etc)

● Other Community Service - service to the community through non-profit organizations or approved service sites (completed independently)

  • All hours earned count towards the total requirement. There is a 1 hour minimum for each category.
  • No more than 10 hours can be earned for VCH in order to promote service to the community.
  • The Service Day must be supervised by VCH faculty or staff.
  • Opportunities for service will be announced on the Terrier Parent Info Hub as they are made available.
  • Students are responsible for bringing a copy of this form to the place of service to be signed by the supervisor. Students are encouraged to make copies of their signed form for their own records.

Please direct questions to Erin Wagner, Campus Ministry Service Coordinator at ewagner@htdiocese.org.

Service Hour Form

Service Hour FAQs

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