“Welcome future Terrier families and students! Vandebilt Catholic is very excited to offer you multiple opportunities to see what it is like to #BEaTERRIER. Please use this page as a guide to see how YOU can become a part of our Vandebilt Catholic family."
- Ms. Kaylee Pitre, VCHS Director of Admissions
For the 2025-26 school year, all new students must apply online in order to be considered for enrollment. In addition to your application, electronic copies of the following documents must be uploaded:
An annual Open House is held late fall each year for prospective students interested in attending Vandebilt Catholic the following school year. The Open House includes a school tour for prospective families highlighting academic, religious, athletic, and co-curricular programs.
Open House for the 2025-2026 school year is scheduled for Thursday, December 5, 2024.
Personal tours offer prospective students and parents the opportunity to visit our campus, ask questions, and witness student and faculty interaction.
Please complete the Inquiry Form and Ms. Pitre will contact you by the end of the school day to answer your admissions questions and or schedule a tour date and time convenient for you.
In admitting students we look for young people who can profit from and contribute to the religious and educational mission of the school. While accepting the fact that there is a limit to what any one institution can do, we believe that the school is to serve a broad cross section of students with regard to both academic ability and socioeconomic status. Promoting and maintaining a diversity of students within the school community is a positive value consistent with the tradition of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. Therefore, in the admission of students, high priority is given to those families who have supported our schools and Catholic schools in general, and great care is taken to ensure that the school does not become available only to the social, academic, or athletic elite.
Admission is based on the following considerations: a desire to attend Vandebilt Catholic, previous school record, and an interview with the prospective student.
Registration is held in February for the following school year.
Vandebilt Catholic High School admits students of any religion or ethnic origin. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, or national origin in the administration of its admission policies, tuition assistance program, or any school-administered program.
Vandebilt Catholic provides tuition assistance to families who are deemed financially in need.
The mission of Vandebilt Catholic High School is to provide students with a holistic education that is rooted in religious values, structured through friendly discipline, nurtured by personal attention, and committed to academic excellence.
209 South Hollywood Road
Houma, LA 70360
(985) 876-2551